PhD studentships in Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster University
PhD Studentships in Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster University
Following substantial recent investment in the Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster University, we invite applications for up to 14 fully funded PhD studentships in Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research for entry in October 2020.
Research projects
Any research areas in Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research that are consistent with those of staff members in the departments of Mathematics and Statistics and Management Science will be considered. It is not necessary to submit a full research proposal but applications should indicate a preferred supervisor or supervisors and describe how the application aligns with one of the following strategic areas.
Pure Mathematics – Noncommutative algebra and analysis, including cluster algebras, representation theory, symplectic geometry, homological and homotopical algebra, operator algebras, noncommutative probability, algebraic quantum field theory and allied topics. We are looking to build a cohort of students around this topic who can collaborate and learn from one another.
Statistics and Operational Research – Applied probability, computational statistics, forecasting and predictive analytics, medical statistics, statistical learning, optimisation, simulation, time-series analysis.
We particularly welcome proposals that also align with applications in healthcare, energy, transportation, logistics, marketing or telecommunications.
Details of indicative projects being offered can be found on the following page:
Remote supervision
Given the ongoing challenges created by COVID-19, supervision may be provided remotely for an initial period where necessary, with IT support from Lancaster University.
Entry Requirements
Applicants are expected to have, or shortly to be awarded, a minimum of an upper-second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in Mathematics, Statistics or a related field. Preferably applicants will hold, or be expected to achieve, a first-class honours degree in MSci or MMath Mathematics, a distinction in MSc Statistics or MSc Operational Research, or an equivalent qualification. Those who have excelled, or are excelling, at BSc level will also be considered positively.
Funding eligibility
These studentships cover up to four years of full payment of tuition fees at the Home/EU level plus an annual stipend for living expenses. For exceptional overseas candidates, it may be possible to offer a fee reduction to the Home/EU level.
Application process
All applications received before 1200 on Friday 5th June 2020 will be considered equally. Applications received after that time will be assessed on a rolling basis. Guidelines on the application process may be found at on the university “How to Apply” pages.
Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to family-friendly and flexible working policies, and seek to promote a healthy work-life balance. The University is a charter member of Athena SWAN and has held a Bronze award since 2008, in recognition of good employment practice to address gender equality in higher education and research. The Department achieved its own Athena SWAN Bronze award in 2017 and is a registered supporter of the London Mathematical Society’s Good Practice Scheme. We welcome applications from people in all diversity groups.
Those interested are encouraged to discuss their application with potential supervisors or the relevant contact:
Pure Mathematics – Jonny Evans ([email protected]);
Statistics – Juhyun Park ([email protected]);
Operational Research – Adam Letchford ([email protected]).