22 Sep 2020

Tenure Track Professorship (W1) Didactics of mathematics (primary school/elementary school)

The University of Bremen is characterised by a high degree of innovation. Especially for early career scientists and scholars, we provide a versatile research and teaching environment with plannable and transparently designed career paths. Within the Federal-Länder-Programme for the Promotion of Early Career Scientists we offer a

Tenure track professorship (f/m/d)
– Bes. Gr. W1 with tenure track to W2 –
initially as a temporary civil servant

for the field

Didactics of mathematics (primary school/elementary school)
– Code number: JP296/20 –

at the earliest possible date.
The professorship is initially limited to a period of three years. After an interim evaluation with orientation function it will be extended by another three years. Subject to a positive final evaluation after six years at the latest, the position will be transferred into a lifetime professorship (W2). In order to allow for the development of a scientific profile, provision is made for a progressive obligation in teaching responsibilities.
We are looking for a scientist in the qualification phase who has initial experience in research and teaching and whose development can be expected to result in national and international visibility.
We are looking for a person with a teaching or a subject degree in mathematics, who is qualified for research on learning and teaching in mathematics (in primary school or early childhood education). The requirements include an outstanding doctorate in the field as well as other scientific achievements (e.g. proven involvement in third-party funded projects, relevant publications on current topics in mathematics education). Several years of teaching practice at schools or comparable school-related experience, preferably at primary school level, are desired and required for tenure-evaluation. The acquisition of school experience can also be arranged for during the first phase of the professorship.
The willingness to cooperate within the University and beyond is desired, especially with the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB), educational working groups within the department, the “matelier” and colleagues in the mathematics department. Cooperation with the existing working group within the department is assumed.
In teaching, the professorship is involved in Bachelor and Master programmes for teacher education and elementary pedagogy. Teaching experience in the subject area in higher education, which include use of digital and other media, are expected. The courses are, generally, to be held in German. Proof of this ability should be provided after two years. The tasks also include advising and supporting students (e.g. in the context of final theses, school internships, projects, etc.) Participation in innovative processes is welcome, for instance, the further development of study programmes as well as participation in academic self-administration. The University provides for opportunities in professional development through course and coaching offerings (Staff Development, Centre for Multimedia in Teaching (ZMML), etc.).

The appointment is based on §§ 18 and 18a BremHG and §117 BremBG. Applicants who already hold a doctorate by the University of Bremen should have changed universities after completing their doctorate or have worked outside the University of Bremen for at least two years. Irrespective of the elapsed time after completion of the doctorate (maximum five years), previous periods of employment at German universities and research institutions should not exceed six years (see §117 BremBG),
The University of Bremen offers a variety of services to support newly appointed professors, such as a Welcome Center, childcare and dual career opportunities, as well as personnel development and advanced in-service training.
The University aims to increase the proportion of women in the academic field. It has received several awards by programmes promoting gender equality and is certified as a family-friendly university. Women scientists are strongly encouraged to apply. International applications as well as applications from female scientists and researchers with a migration background are expressly welcomed. Priority will be given to severely disabled applicants with essentially equal professional and personal aptitude.

Please send your application with the usual documents as well as three selected scientific publications that are relevant to the field of study until 30 September 2020 to
Fachbereich 12 „Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaften“
Frau Claudia Hottenrott
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen, Germany

Please direct any questions regarding the professorship to the Dean of the department, Prof. Dr. Lydia Murmann via dekaninfb12@uni-bremen.de.
In addition, please send the application documents in electronic form (in .pdf format) on an USB memory stick or by mail to the following address: fb12bk1@uni-bremen.de.
The University of Bremen provides detailed information on appointment procedures and negotiations at https://www.uni-bremen.de/universitaet/wissenschaftliche-karriere/berufungsverfahren/ and on tenure-track professorships at https://www.uni-bremen.de/universitaet/wissenschaftliche-karriere/tenure-track-juniorprofessuren/.