30 Jan 2022

Postdoc position in the NCN project ‘Quantum groups, graphs and symmetries via representation theory’ (PI Adam Skalski)

We are looking for a postdoc willing to undertake work at IMPAN (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences) in Warsaw on the Opus-Lap project „Quantum groups, graphs and symmetries via the representation theory”, collaborating with other team members.

• PhD degree in the area broadly related to the project, awarded not earlier than 7 years before taking up the position (parental leaves will be taken into account)
• knowledge of operator algebra theory or/and quantum group theory. Candidates with some familiarity of quantum information theory will be given preference (it is however not strictly required)
• no full-time employment at IMPAN in two years prior to taking up the position is allowed

Employment conditions:
• 24 months’ long contract starting between the 1st of October 2022 and the 1st January 2023
• purely research position (no teaching requirements)
• monthly salary before tax 10.000 PLN per month (after tax around 6.000 PLN)

Applications together with a brief description of research interests, CV including the publication list and the agreement to process the personal data should be sent before the 25 March 2022 by e-mail directly to the address a.skalski@impan.pl (with the subject line “KONKURS KWANTOWE GRUPY, GRAFY I SYMETRIE”).

Additional information can be obtained by contacting the PI at a.skalski@impan.pl. The competition will be decided by the 15th of April 2022, and the candidates will be informed by e-mail.

We encourage all qualified candidates to apply, independently of their gender, age, ethnic, national or social background, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation or disabilities.

The competition follows the general rules of IMPAN and the National Center of Science.