Open call for 3-7 years IM PAN professor//professor positions
The Institute offers IM PAN professor/professor positions starting during the academic year 2022/2023, for mathematicians having substantial research achievements the field of “topology”.
The successful candidates will be expected to conduct vigorous research in the field of mathematics or its applications and spend a period of at most 2-3 semesters (depending on the total length of employment) working at the University of Warsaw within the exchange programme between the two institutions.
The Institute expects that, especially the senior candidates, will either
establish their own research teams, organize and run seminars, mentor the beginners (in particular PhD students), and actively participate in existing seminars, or very significantly contribute to the success of existing research groups.
The Institute will also expect participation in Polish and international research programs and grants, including applications for new ones.
Achievements of the researchers accepted within the framework of this competition will be evaluated periodically, especially when there is a case for promotion.
The application should contain a signed cover letter, research statement, a CV including list of publications, at least two recommendation letters, pdf files of most important recent papers and a signed agreement for processing personal data in the recruitment process.
Applications should be submitted via email by \underbar{June 30, 2022}, to the address \underbar{}.
We encourage qualified candidates to apply, regardless of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Additional information can be obtained from Mrs. Anna Poczmańska at
The final decision will take place in the middle of August and the candidates will be informed of the results by mail and email soon after.
The general working conditions at IMPAN: https:////