20 Aug 2022

Ph.D. positions in Mathematics and Modeling – L’Aquila

The application for the Ph.D. program in MATHEMATICS AND MODELING at the University of L’Aquila is open with a deadline of August 22, 2022, at 1:00 pm (Italian time), with 8 full grants available.

* 6 grants are funded by the University of L’Aquila;

* 1 grant is funded under Ministerial Decree 351/2022,
Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 3.4. of the PNRR – Digital and environmental transitions, aimed at carrying out research concerning
Variational models for the design and diagnosis of the evolution and deterioration of concrete structures;

* 1 grant is funded under Ministerial Decree 351/2022
Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 4.1. of the PNRR – PNRR Research,
aimed at carrying out research concerning Quantum computing.

Detailed information is available here:

link 1

link 2