28 Oct 2022

Postdoc position in arithmetic geometry at Utrecht University

Utrecht University offers a 3-year postdoc position in arithmetic geometry funded by the VIDI grant “Fano varieties: rational points and beyond” of Marta Pieropan. The grant aims to develop a systematic approach to measure the distribution of special subsets of rational points, also called Campana points, on log Fano varieties over number fields or over global function fields, and to uncover their relation to logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory.

Applicants will need a completed PhD in mathematics before the starting date of the position. Furthermore, they should be interested in one or more of the following topics: rational points, (log) Fano varieties, the circle method, counting techniques over global function fields, logarithmic geometry, moduli spaces of stable (log) maps. A working proficiency in English will be necessary, knowledge of the Dutch language is not required.

Details of the position and application procedure can be found here

The deadline is December 11, 2022