COMPETITION for part-time employment in the project “Quantum groups, graphs and symmetries via the representation theory” (PI Adam Skalski)
We are looking for a PhD student or a postdoc willing to work part-time on the Opus-Lap project „Quantum groups, graphs and symmetries via the representation theory”, collaborating with other team members.
The remuneration will cover 1 year (with a possible extension to two years), starting in 2023. The competition is open to all candidates which have a Master’s or a PhD degree in the fields related to the project.
Applications together with a brief description of research interests, CV including the publication list and the agreement to process personal data should be sent before the 12 February 2023 by e-mail directly to the address (with the subject line “KONKURS KWANTOWE GRUPY, GRAFY I SYMETRIE”).
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the PI at The competition will be decided by the 20th of February 2023, and the candidates will be informed by e-mail.