11 Jun 2023

1 postdoctoral research position in the scientific project Selected topics in knot theory financed by National Center of Science

The NCN project Selected topics in knot theory led by Maciej Borodzik, is offering a postdoctoral research position in the Institute of Mathematics at the Polish Academy of Science.

Terms of employment.
Selected candidate will be employed as full-time researcher (pol. adiunkt). The duration of employment is for 12 months The expected starting date is around October 1st 2023 up to an agreement between the candidate and the principal investigator. The offered salary is around 7500 PLN per month pre-tax. The position comes with no teaching obligations. The position includes a small budget for travels. Selected candidate will work problems related to Khovanov and Floer theory.

Description of the project.
The goal of the project is to create a framework to study quasi-positive links from the perspective of contact geometry and apply Khovanov- or Floer- theoretical methods.

We require that the candidate have a Ph.D. in mathematics awarded no earlier than in 2017 (the time can be extended by parental leaves), moreover we require expertise in the following fields:
• Floer theory
• Morse theory
• contact geometry
We expect that the author present at least one publication (may be a preprint) confirming expertise in at least one of these fields.

An application should include Curriculum Vitae that:
· presents an overview of the background and scientific achievements of the candidate;
· lists all the candidate’s research works (including not yet published manuscripts) and indicates three most important of them;
· gives a list of three experienced researchers that may serve as references for the candidate.

In addition to the above, there should be a signed cover letter addressed to the director of IMPAN together with the personal data clause (attached). No research statements are required.

Applications, as well as further questions on both the scientific topic of the project and on formal details of the call procedure should be directed to Maciej Borodzik, mcboro@mimuw.edu.pl.

In order to apply for the position, candidates should send an e-mail and submit the documents as attached .pdf files.

Application deadline: August, 10th, 2023.

Applications which do not satisfy the above requirements or are submitted after the deadline will not be considered.