Collaborative Research Center 1173 at KIT/20 Jul 23/Postdoctoral Researcher in Project A5 and A6
The Collaborative Research Center 1173 »Wave phenomena – analysis and numerics« at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology is inviting applications, as soon as possible, for the position of a
Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d)
within Project A5 or A6
The CRC is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Its goal is to analytically understand, numerically simulate, and eventually manipulate wave propagation under realistic scenarios by intertwining analysis and numerics, cf.
In project A5 “Qualitative behavior of nonlinear Maxwell equations”, we are developing a wellposedness theory for Maxwell equations with various nonlinear material laws and study the long-time behavior of solutions. Within project A6 “Localized solutions for nonlinear Maxwell and wave-type equations”, we investigate similar material laws and prove the existence and properties of special waveforms like time-periodic localized waves or rogue waves. Both projects interact on the question of stability of these solutions.
We welcome your application if you are a postdoctoral researcher with a strong interest in nonlinear PDEs. For Project A5 your interest lies in wellposedness theory, dispersive estimates, and the long-time behavior of nonlinear wave-type equations. For Project A6 your expertise lies in the area of the calculus of variations, spectral theory, and/or bifurcation methods (Project A6). If your interest fits into both projects you are especially encouraged to apply.
For further details see: