The geometry of tensors and the maximum likelihood degree
Ada Boralevi
Elisa Postinghel
Mathematical perspectives on general relativity
Carla Cederbaum
Trends in ring theory and related topics
Laura Cossu
Zahra Nazemian
The role of learning theory in machine learning
Sophie Langer
Nicole Mücke
Algebra and geometry behind data
Anna-Laura Sattelberger
Miruna-Stefana Sorea
Geometry: its development, newest advancements and applications
Hana Dal Poz Kourimska
Gudrun Szewieczek
CA18232: Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks
Marjeta Kramar Fijavž
Eszter Sikolya
Groups from theory to computations and applications
Marialaura Noce
Algebraic methods in life sciences
Marina Garrote-López
Beatriz Pascual
Roser Homs
Nonlinear partial differential equations and calculus of variations
Antonella Nastasi
Cintia Pacchiano Camacho
Riikka Korte
Real algebraic geometry in action with a view toward optimization
Charu Goel
Salma Kuhlmann
Variational Methods and Nonlinear Analysis
Ana Cristina Barroso
Elvira Zappale
The sessions are planned to be 2-3 hours, with 25 minute talks, 5 minutes questions. It could be beneficial to have an introductory talk for the symposium.
Please note that EWM cannot financially support the speakers in such sessions, except for situations when the speakers might qualify for a travel/accommodation grant.
The deadline for proposals for mini symposia was on February 28, 2022.