12 May 2025

EWM Nordic conference 2025

Women in Mathematics Stockholm 2025

Välkommen till Stockholm!
This two day conference has the goal to celebrate the achievements and increase the visibility of women and non-binary researchers in the Nordic countries. In addition the workshop gives networking opportunity for young researchers in mathematics. We gratefully acknowledge support from Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens stiftelser, Stiftelsen G.S Magnusons fond and Digital Futures.


Invited speakers

Moira Chas (Stony Brook, USA)
Sandra di Rocco (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskala, Finland)
Ragni Piene (University of Oslo, Norway)
Corinna Ulcigrai (University of Zurich, tbc, Switzerland)

Participant information


The conference will take place in the building of the KTH library, 100 meters from the main entrance of KTH.


Please register for the event using our registration form.
We will publish the list of participants in regular on the bottom of this site. You have the possibility to opt out from being listed.

Conference times & draft lecture schedule

On monday morning, we will use the opportunity to reach out to high school students. Attendees who arrive to Stockholm in time are most welcome to join us.
The official conference starts on Monday, May 12, 2025 in the late morning with a public lecture by Moira Chas on the mathematics of Maryam Mirzakhani. The last lecture will be in the late afternoon of Tuesday, May 13, 2025.

A draft schedule will be published here soon.

Call for contributed talks

We have a very limited number of slots for contributed talks and will choose them from the abstracts submitted until March 31st, 2025. If you would like to give a talk, please send an email to Sofia Tirabassi ( tirabassi_at_math.su.se ) containing the following information:

  • your field of research (e.g. “algebraic geometry”),
  • your career stage
  • an abstract of your talk
  • the scholarly work underlying your talk.
    Please be mindful of the size of the attachment, which may cause your email not to be delivered or put into spam. Please indicate your abstract submission in the registration form, so that we can get back to you in case we did not receive your submission.

Travel grants

We have a very limited amount of funds to support young women mathematicians participating in our event. To be able to support more participants, we will use these funds to pay for accommodation only, unless in very exceptional circumstances. Please be prepared to fund your train or air travel on your own.

If you wish to apply for financial support (i.e. we pay your hotel room), please fill out our travel support form as early as possible, and until March 31st at the latest. We will evaluate applications in several intervals during the month of March.

Travel support is decided independently of contributed talks: we appreciate if you have your own funds to come and give your talk, so that we can allow more people to participate in our event. We are encouraging all individuals who love to connect to us to apply for travel support, independently of their affiliation and career stage.

Attention to the following points:

  • We will book accomodation for travel grant holders – there is no need for a credit card information or else for this – please be mindful of scams! If you are contacted by someone other than us, please do not react, but email us immediately!
  • Please understand that we cannot issue visa invitation letters or act as sponsors of your visa application.
  • You do not need to apply for the biannual EWM travel grants, we have earmarked funds specifically for this event.

All inquiries about travel grants are to be directed to Liviana Palmisano ( liviana_at_kth.se ).

Childcare grants

We invite applicants with children of age 0-2, who are in need of childcare support, to apply for the support. We have some funding which can be used to supporting travel costs of an accompanying person for a limited number of applicants. Those with youngest children will be given priority.
You can apply for support by writing an email to carina.geldhauser_at_europeanwomeninmaths.org, mentioning travel dates and approximate costs for the accompanying person. We will connect back to you as soon as we can.


For those participants who are awarded travel grants we will provide accommodation free of charge. Otherwise, we cannot provide any help with hotel booking for the event. Please be mindful of potential scam emails, these are not from us!

Organizing committee

Danijela Damjanovic (KTH)
Carina Geldhauser (ETHZ)
Liviana Palmisano (KTH)
Martina Scolamiero (KTH)
Sofia Tirabassi (Stockholm University)