12 Apr 2021

Hausdorff School: “Diffusive Systems”


The aim of this School is to bring together experts from different communities to cover the investigation of diffusive systems from several viewpoints: analytically, combining methods and techniques from Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and dynamical systems to derive and analyse mathematical models for the applied phenomena; numerically, reviewing the most recent techniques and softwares for the computation of bifurcation diagrams and continuation with respect to the systems´parameters; and, last but not least, from the applied – in particular biological – viewpoint: the starting point of investigations in biology as a quantitative science in the last decades has led to a revival in the application of mathematics in biology, showing how a constant exchange of knowledge between the theoretical investigations and the experimental data is crucial in advancing the research in this area.

Dates: April 12 – 16, 2021
Deadline for applications: 31 December 2020 registrations are accepted until the start of the event

Key Speakers

OrganizersEsther S. Daus (TU Wien), Annalisa Iuorio (RICAM), Cinzia Soresina (TU München)

Location: Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn) online

For more information on the School and the registration process visit: