Summer School: Data-driven Dynamical Systems
Summer School: Data-driven Dynamical Systems
The goal of this summer school is to explore topics like Koopman and
transfer operator theory, data-driven approximations and kernel analog
forecasting. This summer school targets advanced Master students, PhD
students and young researchers who are interested in the intersection of
dynamical systems and machine learning. It takes place at the University
of Bremen, July 24 – 26, 2024.
Main speakers are Dimitrios Giannakis (Dartmouth College, USA), Stefan
Klus (Heriot-Watt University, UK), and Caroline Wormell (University of
Sydney, AUS).
Organizers are Annika Osmers, Anke Pohl, Friederike Preuße, and Renu
Yadav (all University of Bremen, Germany).
The participation is free of charge but with prior registration. If you
want to give a short talk and/or a poster presentation, please mention
it in the registration form. The registrations will open on 4th of
March, 2024.
Contact:Â [email protected]