The 16’th General meeting of EWM, Bonn, 2013
The 16’th General meeting of EWM, Bonn, 2013
EWM 16’th general meeting took place at Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn from 2 to 6 september 2013 with the following schedule. See the report, the list of talks, the list of participants as well as the minutes of the general assembly.
EMS lecturer
Tamar Ziegler gave a mini-course with three lectures, as EMS lecturer 2013.
Invited lecturers
The program included a discussion on the following topic:
In what way do women benefit from “excellence schemes” now widly spread in various European countries?
Call for contributed talks
The Organizing Committee for the 16th General Meeting of the European Women in Mathematics invited submissions for contributed talks.
A contributed talk will last 20-25 minutes and we anticipate two parallel sessions.
The title and a short abstract (up to two paragraphs) had to be submitted to ewmwebmaster at, before May 1st, 2013, stating in the subject line `Contributed talk for the 16 General Meeting’.
Call for posters
The Organizing Committee for the 16th General Meeting of the European Women in Mathematics also invited submissions for posters
The deadline of poster proposals was May 15, 2013.
The format of poster proposals.
1.The proposal should be restricted to a maximum of two pages.
1.The proposal should include a title, an abstract and up to three keywords.
2.The proposal should be written in clear way of English using Times New Roman 12-point font.
3.The title should be typed and centered (in 14 point bold capitals), author(s) name(s) (in 12 point bold), and affiliation(s) of author(s) (in 12 point italics) in this order; all in Times.
The poster had to be sent to ewmwebmaster at, before May 15st, 2013, stating in the subject line `Poster for the 16 General Meeting’.
Organizing Committee
- Christine Bessenrodt,Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
- Lisbeth Fajstrup, Aalborg University. Denmark.
- Sylvie Paycha, University of Potsdam, Germany.
- Marie-Francoise Roy, Université de Rennes, France.
- Susanna Terraciini, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy.
Scientific Committee: The EMS/EWM Scientific Committee:
- Viviane Baladi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover, Germany)
- Alessandra Celletti (Rome, Italy)
- Cornelia Drutu (Oxford, UK)
- Isabelle Gallagher (Paris, France), chair
- Sara van de Geer (Zürich, Switzerland)
- Antonella Grassi (U Penn, USA)
- Ursula Hamenstaedt (Bonn, Germany)
- Dusa McDuff (Stony Brook, USA)
- Ragni Piene (Oslo, Norway)
- Ulrike Tillmann (Oxford, UK)
Additional Info
- Place: Hausdorff Center Endenicher Allee 62 53 115 Bonn Deutschland
- Date or Period (start): Monday, 02 September 2013
- Period (end): Friday, 06 September 2013
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