Call for papers: special volume “Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science”
Contributions are now being accepted for inclusion in a forthcoming volume “Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science” to be published by Springer in the AWM Series. The planned edition aims at showcasing the multidisciplinary work of women mathematicians in the description of complex materials.
In the past decade, the field of Materials Science has seen a rapid development with an impressive level of success. To provide rigorous basis for the future technological advances, “Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science” seeks to develop tools for the accurate modeling of the multi-scale phenomena. The planned volume will welcome contributions which feature topics covering interfaces of Materials Science with: Mathematical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations, Functional Analysis, Differential Geometry and Topology, Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling.
The collected papers will be both original research and reviews. At least the corresponding author will be female. As a guideline, the length of contributions should be:
– up to 25 pages for research papers,
– up to 10 pages for review papers exposing relevant research results and their context to a broader audience.
In addition to giving a broad and up-to-date panorama of active research topics, the volume will identify new problems, foster future collaborative networks, and promote equal opportunity in Mathematics and Science.
Contributions received by May 31, 2021 will receive full consideration for inclusion. All submitted papers will undergo a refereeing process. Notification of acceptance will be made by September 30, 2021 and the volume is expected to go to print in December 2021.
Submission details.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editors at: [email protected].
Please indicate (in the title of the message) whether your contribution is an original research or a review paper.
Authors should prepare their contributions using the latex template “authorsample.tex” available in the folder “contributed-books/author” at:
Under “Layout & templates” please open the tab “Latex template” and choose “contributed books” to download the compressed style files directories.
Authors’ benefits.
Each contributing author will receive a complimentary copy of the volume plus perpetual free access to the electronic book as well as a 40% discount on Springer books.
Springer AWM Series.
Focusing on the groundbreaking work of women in mathematics, Springer’s Association for Women in Mathematics Series presents the latest research topics at the forefront of pure and applied mathematics, as well as in the areas of mathematical education and history. The list of previous titles in the series can be found here.
Please direct questions to the Editors at: [email protected]
We will be looking forward to your contributions!
Sent on behalf of:
Malena Espanol (Arizona State University)
Marta Lewicka (University of Pittsburgh)
Lucia Scardia (Heriot-Watt University)
Anja Schloemerkemper (Universitat Wurzburg).