28 Dec 2024

Call for Proposals EWM-EMS summer school 2026

EWM and the EMS Women in Mathematics Committee are pleased to invite proposals for a one week summer school at the Institut Mittag Leffler (IML) in Stockholm in 2026.
There are places for up to 30 participants, for whom the IML will cover lodging and most of the meals. The school should be on a focussed topic of current importance and open to PhD students and post-docs of all sexes.A special feature of the summer school is that there will be a much larger involvement by women than usual. We expect that most or all of the members of the organizing committee, at least half of the participants, and if possible the lecturers, should be female.

The exact dates will have to be negotiated with the IML. Help and advice will be available from the Oversight Committee.

Proposals should be framed according to the attached guidelines and sent electronically as a pdf file to [email protected] by February 28, 2025.

They will be selected on the basis of their scientific merit and the extent to which they fulfill the aims of the guidelines.

Katrin Wendland
Chair of the Oversight Committee

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