ICTP-INdAM Research in Pairs in Mathematics
ICTP and the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) have launched a joint programme of “Research in Pairs” aimed to fund research projects in mathematics to be carried out, during the solar year 2019, in collaboration between mathematicians from developing countries and INdAM members either at ICTP in Trieste or in any research unit of INdAM (see the list at https://www.altamatematica.it/unita-di-ricerca/convenzioni-unita-di-ricerca/).
Applications must be submitted using the online system https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/MPR19; the deadline is 31 December 2018.
Applicants must be from a developing country (the UN-maintained country list is here: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/) and must have worked in a developing country for at least 6 months in the previous calendar year.
More information can be found in the web site:
Offices of External Activities
Strada Costiera 11
I-34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: (+39) 040 2240 323
Fax: (+39) 040 2240 443
Email: [email protected]
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