Members List


Irada Dzhalladova

Doctor of science, professor

Interests: Difference and functional equations Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Stability of dynamic system with random parameters Systems theory; control


Cintia Pacchiano

Bachelor in Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015 Master in Mathematics, University of Bonn, 2018 PhD in Mathematics, Aalto University, 2022

Interests: Analysis Analysis in Metric Measure Spaces Calculus of Variations Partial Differential Equations


Halyna Krainichuk (Shelepalo)

PhD in Mathematics and Physics

Interests: Algebraic geometry Algebraic topology Associative rings and algebras Combinatorics Commutative rings and algebras Computer science Difference and functional equations Field theory and polynomials Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences General algebraic systems Group theory and generalizations Information and communication, circuits Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematics education Number theory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Statistics Systems theory; control


Martina Aaltonen

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

Interests: Algebraic topology


Candy Abboud

Licence degree; Lebanese university, Beyrouth, Lebanon; 2012-2014. Master 1 degree; Lebanese university, Beyrouth, Lebanon; 2014-2015. Master 2 degree; Aix Marseille University, France; 2015-2016. PhD; Aix Marseille University, France; 2016- 2019. Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, UK; 2020-2021 Assistant Professor, AUM, Koweit; 2022-Present

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Numerical analysis Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistics


Amna Mohsin Hassan Abdalla

Master, University of Khartoum, March 2019

Interests: Combinatorics Functional analysis Numerical analysis


Dilara Abdel

Interests: Numerical analysis Partial differential equations


Mahsa Abedini

Interests: Statistical mechanics, structure of matter Statistics


Cristina Acciarri

PhD in Mathematics, University of L' Aquila, 2010 MSc in Mathematics, University of Rome La Sapienza, 2006

Interests: Algebra Group theory and generalizations


Francesca Acotto

Master's Degree, University of Turin, 07/04/2022 Bachelor's Degree, University of Turin, 02/04/2020

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Numerical analysis Ordinary differential equations Systems theory; control

United Kingdom

Panagiota Adamopoulou


Interests: Integrable systems Mathematical physics Partial differential equations Quantum theory


Ini Adinya

Ph.D., Univerisity of Ibadan (2019)

Interests: Probability theory and stochastic processes