Ph.D. TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Türkiye (Turkey), 2024
Interests: Biology and other natural sciencesDifference and functional equationsDynamical systems and ergodic theoryNumerical analysisOrdinary differential equationsPartial differential equationsSystems theory; control
Chemistry Pharmaceutical Biological at FES Zaragoza-UNAM. From an early age, she showed an interest in sciences and mathematics, and won competitions at the inter-institutional level. She has attendance to the conferences of “Modeling and inference methods for brain
imaging research” in Mc Gill University, and giving a lecture at European Wolfram Technology Conference with the topic "The inclusion of arts in science with the help of new technologies" in Oxford University. She has taken courses of "Scientific research at Chicago University", "Introduction to the philosophical bases of academic research, "Mexican Standards for Manufacture of Drugs", "Traditional medicine", "Research Specialization and Scientific Development"; She has also conducted workshops to teach children chemistry. Her research is about the intersection about mathematics, science and technology and their correlation with art.
Interests: ArtsChemistryComputer scienceGeometryK-theoryMathematics educationMechanics of particles and systemsMusic
Interests: Associative rings and algebras Commutative rings and algebrasFunctional analysisGeneral topology Group theory and generalizationsOperator theorySequences, series, summability
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš
Bachelor's degree, Mathematics
2019 - 2022 Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš
Master of Science - MS, Machine Learning
Oct 2022
Interests: Applied StatisticsComputer scienceData AnalysisData ScienceGame theory, economics, social and behavioral sciencesMachine LearningStatistical LearningStatistics
2006: PhD, Institute of mathematics "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy, "Applications of Group Theory and Valuation Theory. The Igusa Local Zeta Function Associated to Non-degenerated Binary Cubic Forms", Adviser Prof. Univ. Dr. Serban Basarab; 2010-2012: Postdoc, Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy;
Interests: Arrangemets of hyperplanesCombinatoricsIgusa zeta functionNumber theory
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