Members List


Fasma Diele

Master degree in Mathematics, University of Bari, 18/07/1991

Interests: Ecological modelling Numerical analysis


Carmen Ditscheid

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer Commutative rings and algebras Functional analysis Functions of а complex variaЬle Probability theory and stochastic processes


Carmen-Ana Domínguez-Bravo

BS Mathematics, University of Seville, 2010 MS Mathematics, University of Seville, 2012 PhD Mathematics (Operations Research), University of Seville, 2016

Interests: Mathematics education Operations research, mathematical programming


Yiqiu Dong

PhD, Peking University, 2007

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Numerical analysis


Anca-Voichita Matioc, Prof. Dr.

PhD in Mathematics, Leibniz University Hanover, 2009 Habilitation in Mathematics, Leibniz University Hanover, 2018

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Fluid mechanics Functional analysis Partial differential equations


Lycka Drakengren

Master's degree (MMATH), Cambridge University, June 2024

Interests: Algebraic geometry Algebraic topology

United Kingdom

Cornelia Drutu

Doctorate, University of Paris 11, Habilitation, University of Lille 1

Interests: Group theory and generalizations


Svetlana Dubinkina

BS, Novosibirsk State University, 2003 MS, Novosibirsk State University, 2003 PhD, University of Amsterdam, 2010

Interests: Data assimilation Inverse problems Numerical analysis


Josephine Dufitinema

Master of Science (Technology) in Technomathematics Lappeenranta University of Technology 29.06.2014

Interests: Statistics


Georgiana Duma

Interests: Astronomy and astrophysics Computer science Mathematical logic апd foundations Numerical analysis Operations research, mathematical programming Partial differential equations Relativity and gravitational theory


Yajnaseni Dutta

Interests: Algebraic geometry Commutative rings and algebras Several complex variables and analytic spaces


Vandana Dwarka

PhD. in Applied Mathematics, TU Delft (2022) M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, TU Delft (2017) M.Sc. in Financial Econometrics, VU University (2012) LL.M. in International and European Law, University of Amsterdam (2011)

Interests: Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Mathematics education Numerical analysis Optics, electromagnetic theory Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Quantum theory