Members List


Núria Fagella

Ph.D. Boston University, 1995

Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Functions of а complex variaЬle Global analysis, analysis on manifolds


Laura Fainsilber

PhD, Université de Franche-Comté, 1994 Cand Phil, UC Berkeley, 1990 B.S. MIT, 1986

Interests: History and Biography Mathematics education Number theory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures


Samantha Fairchild

PhD 2021 University of Washington

Interests: Algebraic geometry Convex and discrete geometry Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Geometry Mathematics education Number theory Topological groups, Lie groups


Lisbeth Fajstrup

PhD, Aarhus University, 1992

Interests: Algebraic topology Applied Algebraic Topology Manifolds and cell complexes


Barbara Fantechi

Laurea in matematica, Pisa, 14.7.1988

Interests: Algebraic geometry


Katrin Fässler

Interests: Geometry Measure and integration


Fanoni Federica

Interests: Geometry Manifolds and cell complexes Topological groups, Lie groups


Veronica Felli

Laurea in Matematica, University of Pavia in 1999. Ph.D in Functional Analysis and Applications at SISSA, Trieste, in 2003. From 2003 to 2006: post-doc at University of Milano - Bicocca. From 2006 to 2012: researcher assistant at University of Milano - Bicocca. From 2012 to 2019: Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at University of Milano - Bicocca. From October 2019: Full professor in Mathematical Analysis at University of Milano - Bicocca.

Interests: Partial differential equations Spectral theory (asymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions) Unique continuation principles for elliptic and parabolic equations


Bojana Femic

PhD University of Almería 2008

Interests: Associative rings and algebras General algebraic systems

Czech Republic

Věra Ferdiánová

Ph.D., University of Ostrava, 2016

Interests: Constructional and descriptive geometry GeoGebra Geometry History of mathematics (descriptive geometry) Information and communication, circuits Mathematics education Supporting for online teaching in mathematics (technology) Teaching methods in mathematics


Isabel Fernández

PhD in Mathematics, University of Granada (2006)

Interests: Differential geometry Surface Theory


Maria Ferrara


Interests: Group theory and generalizations