Members List


Sara van de Geer


Interests: Statistics


Carina Geldhauser

Since 2024 Senior Lecturer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland 2020-2023 Associate Senior Lecturer (= Tenure Track Assistant Professor), Lund University, Sweden 2019-2020 Lecturer, The University of Sheffield, UK 2016 Dr. rer. nat, University of Bonn, Germany 2010 Dipl Math, University of Tuebingen, Germany

Interests: Machine Learning Mathematical Foundations of Data Science Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


Barbara Gentz

PhD 1996 University of Zurich; Habilitation 2003 Technical University Berlin

Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Probability theory and stochastic processes

United Kingdom

Ioana Gherghin

Interests: Geometry Integral equations Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematics education Number theory Statistics

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Elnaz Ghorbani

BSc in Engineering Science | 2021- Jan 2026

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Convex and discrete geometry Difference and functional equations Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Functional analysis Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Operations research, mathematical programming Systems theory; control


Ourania Giannopoulou

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Fluid mechanics Numerical analysis Partial differential equations


Mar Giralt

PhD from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Interests: Celestial mechanics Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Hamiltonian systems

United Kingdom

Mie Kano Glückstad

MSc Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, 2023

Interests: Measure and integration Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


Kriti Goel

PhD Mathematics, IIT Bombay (India), August 2020

Interests: Algebraic geometry Associative rings and algebras Combinatorics Commutative rings and algebras

United Kingdom

Susana Gomes

PhD, Imperial College London (2016) MSc, University of Coimbra (2012)

Interests: Fluid mechanics Partial differential equations Systems theory; control


Silvia Sastre Gómez

PhD at University Complutense of Madrid in 13/05/2014.

Interests: Fluid mechanics Integral equations Partial differential equations

United Kingdom

Victoria Gould

PhD, University of York, 1985

Interests: Algebraic semigroup theory, universal algebra and model theory Associative rings and algebras Group theory and generalizations