Members List


Eleni Agathocleous

PhD in Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

Interests: Algebraic and Algorithmic Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Post-Quantum Cryptography


Virginia Agostiniani

Assistant professor (italian RTDb)

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Mechanics of deformable solids Partial differential equations Potential theory


Ilka Agricola

Dr.rer.nat. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2000 Dr.rer.nat.habil. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, 2004 (first woman to do a habilitation in mathematics in Greifswald) W3 professorship at Philipps-Universität Marburg since 2008

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Differential geometry Global analysis, analysis on manifolds Topological groups, Lie groups


Elena Camacho Aguilar

PhD in Interdisciplinary Mathematics, University of Warwick (2014-2018) MSc in Interdisciplinary Mathematics, University of Warwick (2013-2014) (5-year) Bachelor Degree in Mathematics (9.83/10), Universidad de Sevilla (2008-2013)

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Computer science Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Mathematics education Ordinary differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistics

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Rouzbeh Aiassi

2015-2019:MSc in Industrial Engineering , Science and Research Branch, Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Computer science Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences Industry 4.0 Numerical analysis Operations research, mathematical programming Statistics Supply chain management Systems theory; control data analysis sales and operations planning simulation modeling


Saima Akram

PhD Mathematics

Interests: Numerical analysis


Meike Akveld

BSc. University of Warwick, UK Part III, Cambridge, UK PhD, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Interests: Knot theory Mathematics education


Melda Akyazi

Interests: Combinatorics Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistical mechanics, structure of matter



PhD student

Interests: Statistics

United Kingdom

Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi

PhD in Algebraic Geometry, University of Nottingham, Oct 2020- Sep 2024. Masters in Mathematics, University of Granada, Oct 2019- Jul 2020. Bachelor's in Mathematics, University of the Basque Country, Sep 2015- Jul 2019.

Interests: Algebraic geometry Birational Geometry K-stability Moduli theory


Gessica Alecci

PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics

Interests: Algebraic geometry Associative rings and algebras Field theory and polynomials Geometry Group theory and generalizations Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Number theory Sequences, series, summability


Jelena Aleksic

Full professor, University of Novi Sad, 1.6.2020.

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Approximations and expansions Difference and functional equations Fourier analysis Functional analysis Integral equations Integral transforms, operational calculus Measure and integration Partial differential equations Special functions