Members List

United States

Margaret Readdy

PhD Michigan State University 1993, MS University of Michigan 1989, BS Rutgers University 1986

Interests: Combinatorics Convex and discrete geometry Manifolds and cell complexes Number theory Topological groups, Lie groups


Elisabeth Reichwein

Phd student, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf (2017-present), M.Sc. Mathematics, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf (2015-2017), B.Sc. Mathematics, Philipps-University Marburg (2011-2014)

Interests: Fluid Dynamics Navier-Stokes equations Partial differential equations


Cordula Reisch

Interests: Mathematical Modeling Partial differential equations Reaction diffusion equations, Mathematical Modeling


Elena Resmerita

PhD. in Mathematics, University of Haifa, Israel, 2003

Interests: continuous optimization image restoration inverse problems


Roswitha Rissner

Interests: Associative rings and algebras Commutative rings and algebras Field theory and polynomials General algebraic systems Group theory and generalizations Integral equations Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Number theory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures


Elena Rizzo

Bachelor in Mathematics, Università di Genova, 2019 Master in Mathematics, Università di Genova, 2021

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Fourier analysis Functional analysis


Carla Rizzo

Interests: Associative rings and algebras Combinatorics Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory


Sandra Di Rocco

Ph.D Notre Dame 1996 Docent KTH 2003

Interests: Algebraic geometry Algebraic topology Combinatorics


rebecca roero

Interests: Differential geometry Geometry Manifolds and cell complexes


Constanza Rojas-Molina

PhD in Mathematics, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2012. Master in Mathematics, University of Paris 6, France, 2008. B.Sc in Mathematics, University of La Serena, Chile, 2005.

Interests: Mechanics of particles and systems Operator theory Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Quantum theory Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


Lucia Romani

Interests: Approximations and expansions Computer Aided Geometric Design Numerical analysis


Margit Rösler

Professor, Paderborn University, since 2012 Dr. rer. nat. habil. TU Munich, 1999 Dr. rer. nat. TU Munich, 1992

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Special functions Topological groups, Lie groups