Institute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine (2016-2020)
Department of Nonlinear Analysis, Ph.D. Student
Kherson State University (2015-2016)
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, master's degree (with honors)
Kherson State University (2011-2015)
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, bachelor's degree (with honors) 1. Senior laboratory assistant, Kherson State University (2016)
2. Methodist, Kherson Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment (2016)
3. Senior Engineer, Differential equations and oscillation theory Department, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2017-2018).
4. Chief Software Engineer, Differential equations and oscillation theory Department, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018-2020).
5. Junior researcher, Differential Equations and Oscillation Theory Department, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2020-2022).
6. Researcher, Laboratory of differential equations with partial derivatives, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2022-until now).
7. Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Evolutionary Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences (1 April 2022- 31 March 2024).
8. Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki (1 April 2024- 31 March 2025).
Interests: Biology and other natural sciencesCalculus of variations and optimal control; optimizationMechanics of particles and systemsPartial differential equationsStatisticsSystems theory; control
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (2009).
Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, National University of
Uzbekistan (2019)
Interests: Difference and functional equationsFourier analysisIntegral equationsPartial differential equationsSpecial functions
1997-2001 BA student of the Mathematics faculty of Urgench State University
2001-2003 MA student of the mathematics faculty, on specialty “Differential
Equations”, of Urgench State University
2008-2012 PhD student of the Physics-Mathematics faculty of Urgench State
5 July 2012 defended PhD work on specialty “Mathematical Physics” at the National University of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.
Interests: Computer scienceDifference and functional equationsDynamical systems and ergodic theoryIntegral equationsIntegral transforms, operational calculusMathematics educationOperator theoryOrdinary differential equationsPartial differential equationsSpecial functions
Bar-Ilan University
Ph.D in Mathematics under the supervision of Prof. Eliyahu Matzri.
2015--2016: Bar-Ilan University
M.Sc in Mathematics under the supervision of Prof. Eliyahu Matzri.
Thesis: Profinite completion of algebraic structures. Graduated ``Summa cum laude''.
2011--2013: Bar-Ilan University
B.A. in Mathematics. Graduated ``magna cum laude''.
Interests: Central sipmle algebrasGalois cohomologyProfinite groups
PhD, V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NASU
Interests: Computer scienceDynamical systems and ergodic theoryGame theory, economics, social and behavioral sciencesMathematics educationSystems theory; control
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