Members List


Angelica Torres

Interests: Algebraic geometry Algebraic vision Biology and other natural sciences Combinatorics


Anna Torstensson

Ph D Lund University 2003

Interests: Algebraic geometry Associative rings and algebras Combinatorics Commutative rings and algebras Field theory and polynomials Group theory and generalizations Mathematics education


Silvia Tozza

Interests: Computer science Numerical analysis Partial differential equations


Eulalia Tramuns

Phd Mathematics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2012

Interests: Geometry Mathematics education Number theory


Ha Tran

Phd in Number theory, Tor Vergata university, Rome, Italy on March 6th, 2015.

Interests: Information and communication, circuits Number theory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures


Giulia Treu


Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Functional analysis Partial differential equations


Renata Troian

PhD, Donetsk National University, 2008

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Mechanics of deformable solids Statistical mechanics, structure of matter Statistics


Maria Tsalakou

PhD Mathematics, University of St Andrews, 2023

Interests: Computer science Group theory and generalizations


Irene Tubikanec

Interests: Approximate Bayesian computation Dynamical systems and ergodic theory EEG data Mathematical neuroscience Network inference Numerical analysis Probability theory and stochastic processes Stochastic differential equations


Olena Tymoshenko

Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, specialty: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, 2015, from the National Technical University of Ukraine Postdoctoral fellowship University of Oslo from June 2023

Interests: Mathematics education Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistics


Hafiz Ullah

Interests: Algebraic topology Biology and other natural sciences Combinatorics Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Functional analysis Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences General topology Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematics education Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures Topological groups, Lie groups


Khairatul Ulya

Master of Education,Deakin University,2011

Interests: Integral equations Integral transforms, operational calculus Mathematics education Ordinary differential equations