Math interests Abstract harmonic analysis Algebra Algebraic and Algorithmic Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Post-Quantum Cryptography Algebraic Coding Theory Algebraic combinatorics Algebraic geometry Algebraic number theory Algebraic semigroup theory, universal algebra and model theory Algebraic statistics Algebraic topology algebraic topology Algebraic vision Algorithm Theory Analysis Analysis in Metric Measure Spaces Applied Algebraic Topology Applied and computational algebra, dynamical systems, networks, systems biology, topological data analysis Applied Harmonic Analysis Applied harmonic analysis Applied Mathematics Applied mathematics Applied probability Applied probability and statistics Applied Statistics Approximate Bayesian computation Approximations and expansions Approximation theory Approximation theory, Signal and Image Processing, Real Analysis. Arithmetic geometry Arrangemets of hyperplanes Artificial intelligence and teaching mathemetics Artin groups Arts Associative rings and algebras Astrodynamics Astronomy and astrophysics Asymptotic Geometric Analysis Biological fluid flows Biology and other natural sciences Birational Geometry Boundary value problems Braid groups Calculus of Variations Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Category Theory Celestial Mechanics Celestial mechanics Central sipmle algebras characteristic classes Chemistry Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer Cluster algebras coalgebraic structures Coding theory Combinatorics Commutative rings and algebras Compressed Sensing Computational algebra Computational Algebra Computational Finance Computational fluid dynamics, Biological fluid flows Computational Geometry Computed Tomography Computer Aided Geometric Design Computer science Computer vision Constructional and descriptive geometry continuous optimization Convex and discrete geometry Cryptography cryptography Crystals and quasi-crystals; Cultural Heritage (museum studies) data analysis Data Analysis Data assimilation Data science data science Data Science Deep Learning Deep learning Deep Unfolding Deformation quantization, symplectic geometry, Poisson geometry Difference and functional equations Differential geometry Differential Geometry Differential invariants of Lie algebras and invariant differential equations. Symmetry and exact solutions of differential equations differential topology Discrete differential geometry, computational geometry Distributed Storage Systems Distribution Theory Dynamical Sampling Dynamical Systems Dynamical systems and ergodic theory dynamic equations E-Voting Ecological modelling Education Educational Mathematics EEG data engineering maths Epidemiology/Mathematical Modelling. Equality Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Ethnomathematics Factorization theory Field theory and polynomials Financial Mathematics financial mathematics Finite Fields Fixed Point Theory Fluid Dynamics Fluid Flow with Nanoparticles Fluid mechanics Fourier analysis Fractional calculus Fractional differential equations Functional analysis Functions of а complex variaЬle Galois cohomology Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences Gelfand pairs, mathematical physics Gender and STEM General algebraic systems General topology GeoGebra Geometric Measure Theory Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory geometric topology Geometry Geometry and Conformal Field Theory Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Geophysics Global analysis, analysis on manifolds Global History of Mathematics Graph/network analysis Graph Theory Graph theory and its applications Group Actions on Manifolds and CW-complexes Group analysis of differential equations and integrable systems Group theory and generalizations Hamiltonian systems Heat and Mass Transfer Heteroclinic dynamics Higher Education High Performance Computing History and Biography History of mathematics (descriptive geometry) Homogenization theory hyperbolic geometry Igusa zeta function Image Analysis Image Processing Image processing image restoration Imaging science Inclusive Mathematics index theory Industry 4.0 Infectious disease modeling infinite dimensional geometry Information and communication, circuits Insurance mathematics, Queueing theory Integrable systems Integral equations integral inequalities Integral transforms, operational calculus Inverse Problem Inverse Problems inverse problems Inverse problems Inverse Problems, Imaging, Deep Learning inverse problems in imaging K-stability K-theory KAM theory Kernel methods Kinetic theory Kinetic Theory Knot theory Learning Theory Lesson Study Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Machine Learning Machine learning Machine Learning, Classification, Graph Theory, Algorithm Theory Manifolds and cell complexes Mathematical and computational methods in statistics mathematical biology Mathematical Biology mathematical chemistry, spatial graphs Mathematical Foundations of Data Science Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematical modeling Mathematical Modeling mathematical modelling Mathematical modelling Mathematical Modelling mathematical neuroscience Mathematical neuroscience Mathematical physics Mathematics and gender Mathematics education Mathematics Education Mathematics emerging from quantum field theory Mathematics of Machine Learning Mathematics Outreach Mathemtics Maths pedagogy for engineering Measure and integration Mechanics of deformable solids Mechanics of particles and systems model theory Modular forms Moduli theory Moore--Postnikov systems and k-invariants multizeta functions Music Navier-Stokes equations Network inference network science Nonlinear Analysis Nonlinear Optimization Number theory Numerical analysis Operations research, mathematical programming Operations Research and optimization Operations Research and Optimization Operator theory Optics, electromagnetic theory Optimal Transport Optimal transport Optimization Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures Ordinary differential equations ordinary differential equations Oscillatory theory Outreach Partial differential equations partial differential equations Partial Differential Equations Perturbative methods Physics Point Processes Polynomial approximation Potential theory Probability theory Probability theory and stochastic processes Profinite groups pseudodifferential analysis Quantum Fluids Quantum theory Reaction diffusion equations, Mathematical Modeling real algebraic geometry, algorithms Real functions Relativity and gravitational theory Reliability analysis techniques Representation theory Representation Theory Representation theory of algebras Response Surface Methodology sales and operations planning Science communication Scientific Computing sectioning fiber bundles Semi-classical and microlocal analysis Sensitivity Analysis Sequences, series, summability Several complex variables and analytic spaces simulation modeling Sparse representations Spatial Statistics Special functions spectral theory Spectral theory (asymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions) Stability Stability of dynamic system with random parameters Statistical Learning Statistical mechanics, structure of matter Statistics Stochastic Analysis Stochastic differential equations Supply chain management Supporting for online teaching in mathematics (technology) Surface Theory Survey sampling Survey statistics Systems theory; control Teacher education teachers education Teaching methods in mathematics The mathematics of Quantum Field Theory Theory of quasigroups and loops The research of the problems of natural and applied sciences with mathematical methods Time-Series Representation Learning Topological Data Analysis Topological groups, Lie groups Topological Machine Learning Type theory Uncertainty Quantification Unique continuation principles for elliptic and parabolic equations vector fields Visual Impairments women in STEM
Country Albania Algeria Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada Cape Verde China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Honduras India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Ireland Italy Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Mexico Moldova Montenegro Morocco Nepal Netherlands Nigeria North Macedonia Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vietnam
Nationality ALBANIA Albania Albanian Albanian Algeria American Argentina Austria Austrian Azerbajdzhan Belgian Belgian and British Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian Brasil Brazilian British British Bulgaria Bulgarian Bulgarian Canada Canadian Capeverdean Catalan Chilean China Chinese Colombia Colombian Croatian Cypriot Cyprus Czech Danish Denmark Deutschland, Kirgistan Dutch Dutch (The Netherlands) Egypt Estonian Finnish Finnish France France, U.S.A. Française French Georgian German German German and Turkish Germany Greece Greek Greek Greek Greek / Albanian Honduran I - REPUBBLICA ITALIANA (I) Icelandic India Indian Indonesian Iran Iranian Ireland Irish Israel Italia Italian Italian ITALIAN Italian, Canadian Italiana Italian and German Italian and Mexican Italy Italy Kosovo Lebanese Lebanese-French Lebanese - French Lithuanian Macedonian Macedonian Mexican Moldova Moldovian Montenegrin Montenegrin Montengrin Moroccan Morocco Nepali Netherland Netherlands Nigeria Nigerian Nigerian Norvegian Norwegian PAKISTAN Pakistan Pakistani Pakistani PAKISTANI Polish Portugal Portuguese Portuguese and brazilian Republic of Moldova Ro Romania Romanian Romanian Romanian and french Russia Russian Rwanda Rwandan Serbia Serbian Serbian Serbian, Swedish Slovak Slovak Slovene Slovene Slovenia Slovenian Spain Spanish Spanish Sri lankan Sudan Sudanese Sweden Swedish Swedish and Italian Swiss Swiss Swiss and Dutch Switzerland Tunisienne Turkey Turkish Turkish Türkiye Ugandan UK Ukraine Ukrainian Ukrainian United Kingdom United States of America US Usa USA Uzbek Uzbek Uzbekistan Vietnamese Украина