Members List

South Africa

Elena Berdysheva

Habilitation, 2010, University of Hohenheim, Germany; Ph.D., 2010, Ural State University, Russia; M.Sc., 1998, Ural State University, Russia; B.Sc., 1996, Ural State University, Russia

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Approximations and expansions Fourier analysis Integral transforms, operational calculus Numerical analysis Sequences, series, summability Special functions


Alessandra Bernardi

Associate Professor

Interests: Algebraic geometry Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory


Mélanie Bertelson

PhD in Mathematics, Stanford University, 2000. Licence en Sciences Mathématiques, Université libre de Bruxelles, 1995

Interests: Differential geometry Manifolds and cell complexes


Mélanie Bertelson

PhD in Mathematics, Stanford University, 2000. Licence en Sciences Mathématiques, Université libre de Bruxelles, 1995

Interests: Differential geometry Manifolds and cell complexes


Gautami Bhowmik

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Lille, 1997 Ph.D., Panjab University, 1991.

Interests: Combinatorics History and Biography Number theory


Alessandra BIANCHI

PhD in Mathematics, University of Roma Tre, march 2007

Interests: Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


Giulia Bini

Interests: History and Biography Mathematics education

United Kingdom

Gargi Biswas

1. 5-year Integrated MSc in Mathematics from National Institute of Science, Education and Research (NISER), India, 2019-2024 2. DPhil in Mathematics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 2024-2028 (expected)

Interests: Functional analysis Group theory and generalizations Topological groups, Lie groups

United Kingdom

Veronica Bitonti

Interests: Combinatorics Mathematical logic апd foundations Number theory


Luise Blank

Prof. Dr.

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Numerical analysis


Irene De Blasi

M.Sc. in Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", October 2019 PhD in Mathematics, University of Turin, November 2022

Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Mechanics of particles and systems Ordinary differential equations


Emilia Blåsten

Doctor of Philosophy University of Helsinki, Applied Mathematics, Helsinki, Finland, 19 June 2013. Licentiate of Philosophy University of Helsinki, Applied Mathematics, Helsinki, Finland, 24 June 2010. Master of Science University of Helsinki, Applied Mathematics, Helsinki, Finland, 17 October 2008. Bachelor of Science University of Helsinki, Applied Mathematics, Helsinki, Finland, 17 October 2008. Highschool Helsingin Matematiikkalukio, Helsinki, Finland, 3 June 2006. Primary School Helsingin ranskalais-suomalainen koulu, Helsinki, Finland, 2003.

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Fourier analysis Functional analysis History and Biography Integral equations Integral transforms, operational calculus Inverse problems Mathematics education Numerical analysis Partial differential equations