Members List

United Kingdom

Jaine Blayney

Interests: Biology and other natural sciences Combinatorics Computer science Operations research, mathematical programming Statistics


Oriane Blondel

Interests: Probability theory and stochastic processes Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


Andrea Blunck

Dr. rer. nat. Universität Hamburg 1990 Habil. TU Darmstadt 1997 Professor, Universität Hamburg, since 2004

Interests: Geometry Group theory and generalizations History and Biography Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Mathematics and gender


Doris Bohnet

Doctoral degree, Universitaet Hamburg

Interests: Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Fluid mechanics Functional analysis Geometry Mathematics education


Ivanna Bondar

PhD in Mathematics (2014, Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine)

Interests: Difference and functional equations Integral equations Operator theory Ordinary differential equations


Ada Boralevi

Interests: Algebraic geometry Commutative rings and algebras Geometry Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory


Ljudmila Bordag

Interests: Algebraic geometry


Christin Borge

Associate Professor in algebra, geometry and topology

Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis


Francien Bossema

MSc. 2018

Interests: Computed Tomography Computer science Cultural Heritage (museum studies) History and Biography Imaging science Mathematics education Science communication


Maria-Magdalena Boureanu

Associate Professor, Ph.D

Interests: Functional analysis Partial differential equations

United Kingdom

Tim Boxer

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Mathematics education Operations research, mathematical programming Systems theory; control


anne Boyé

docteure en histoire des mathématiques, 1998