Members List


Laura Capuano

Bachelor degree in Mathematics, University of Pisa, 2008 Master degree in Mathematics, University of Pisa, 2010 PhD in Mathematics, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014

Interests: Algebraic geometry Number theory


Laia Amorós Carafí

Interests: Algebraic geometry Astronomy and astrophysics Biology and other natural sciences Machine learning Number theory


Giulia Carigi

Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Geophysics Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes

United Kingdom

Coralia Cartis

PhD in Mathematics, University of Cambridge 2005

Interests: Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Numerical analysis Operations research, mathematical programming


Ana Casimiro

Phd, University of Salamanca, 2006

Interests: Algebraic geometry Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Differential geometry Geometry Group theory and generalizations Topological groups, Lie groups

Alberto Cassella

Interests: Algebraic topology Combinatorics Group theory and generalizations Manifolds and cell complexes Topological groups, Lie groups


Ailbhe Cassidy

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics

Interests: Information and communication, circuits Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes


Sofia B. S. D. Castro

MSc. Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK PhD. Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK Agregação (Portuguese), University of Porto, Portugal

Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences Heteroclinic dynamics

Saudi Arabia

Alinda Cathy


Interests: Abstract harmonic analysis Algebraic geometry Algebraic topology Approximations and expansions Associative rings and algebras Astronomy and astrophysics Biology and other natural sciences Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer Combinatorics Commutative rings and algebras Computer science Convex and discrete geometry Difference and functional equations Differential geometry Dynamical systems and ergodic theory Field theory and polynomials Fluid mechanics Fourier analysis Functional analysis Functions of а complex variaЬle Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences General algebraic systems General topology Geometry Geophysics Global analysis, analysis on manifolds Group theory and generalizations History and Biography Information and communication, circuits Integral equations Integral transforms, operational calculus K-theory Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory Manifolds and cell complexes Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematics education Measure and integration Mechanics of deformable solids Mechanics of particles and systems Number theory Numerical analysis Operations research, mathematical programming Operator theory Optics, electromagnetic theory Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Potential theory Probability theory and stochastic processes Quantum theory Real functions Relativity and gravitational theory Sequences, series, summability Several complex variables and analytic spaces Special functions Statistical mechanics, structure of matter Statistics Systems theory; control Topological groups, Lie groups


Veronica Cavicchi

Doctor in Mathematics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2010 Teacher at Liceo Scientifico di Stato "A. Calini", Brescia

Interests: Astronomy and astrophysics Computer science Fourier analysis Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences Mathematical logic апd foundations Mathematics education Measure and integration Numerical analysis Ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations Probability theory and stochastic processes Relativity and gravitational theory Statistics


Marina Cazzola

Interests: Group theory and generalizations Mathematics education


Carla Cederbaum

Full Professor, University of Tübingen, 2019 Tenure Track Professor, University of Tübingen, 2016-2019 Postdoc, MFO/University of Tübingen, 2013-2015 Assistant Research Professor, 2011-2013 Dr. rer. nat., FU Berlin, Germany, 2011

Interests: Differential geometry Geometry Mathematics education Partial differential equations Relativity and gravitational theory