Bachelor degree in Mathematics, University of Pisa, 2008
Master degree in Mathematics, University of Pisa, 2010
PhD in Mathematics, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2014
Interests: Algebraic geometryCalculus of variations and optimal control; optimizationDifferential geometryGeometryGroup theory and generalizationsTopological groups, Lie groups
Interests: Information and communication, circuitsOrdinary differential equationsPartial differential equationsProbability theory and stochastic processes
Interests: Abstract harmonic analysisAlgebraic geometryAlgebraic topologyApproximations and expansionsAssociative rings and algebras Astronomy and astrophysicsBiology and other natural sciencesCalculus of variations and optimal control; optimizationClassical thermodynamics, heat transferCombinatoricsCommutative rings and algebrasComputer scienceConvex and discrete geometryDifference and functional equationsDifferential geometryDynamical systems and ergodic theoryField theory and polynomialsFluid mechanicsFourier analysisFunctional analysisFunctions of а complex variaЬleGame theory, economics, social and behavioral sciencesGeneral algebraic systemsGeneral topology GeometryGeophysicsGlobal analysis, analysis on manifoldsGroup theory and generalizationsHistory and BiographyInformation and communication, circuitsIntegral equationsIntegral transforms, operational calculusK-theoryLinear and multilinear algebra; matrix theoryManifolds and cell complexesMathematical logic апd foundationsMathematics educationMeasure and integrationMechanics of deformable solidsMechanics of particles and systemsNumber theoryNumerical analysisOperations research, mathematical programming Operator theoryOptics, electromagnetic theoryOrder, lattices, ordered algebraic structuresOrdinary differential equationsPartial differential equationsPotential theoryProbability theory and stochastic processesQuantum theoryReal functionsRelativity and gravitational theorySequences, series, summabilitySeveral complex variables and analytic spacesSpecial functionsStatistical mechanics, structure of matterStatisticsSystems theory; controlTopological groups, Lie groups
Doctor in Mathematics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2010
Teacher at Liceo Scientifico di Stato "A. Calini", Brescia
Interests: Astronomy and astrophysicsComputer scienceFourier analysisGame theory, economics, social and behavioral sciencesMathematical logic апd foundationsMathematics educationMeasure and integrationNumerical analysisOrdinary differential equationsPartial differential equationsProbability theory and stochastic processesRelativity and gravitational theoryStatistics
Full Professor, University of Tübingen, 2019
Tenure Track Professor, University of Tübingen, 2016-2019
Postdoc, MFO/University of Tübingen, 2013-2015
Assistant Research Professor, 2011-2013
Dr. rer. nat., FU Berlin, Germany, 2011
Interests: Differential geometryGeometryMathematics educationPartial differential equationsRelativity and gravitational theory
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