06 Jan 2020
Newsletter Team Recruitment Announcement 2020
The EWM editorial team is once again looking for enthusiastic members to join us.
Ideally, we are looking for the following two profiles:
- someone with communication and writing skills, as well as interest in interacting with a variety of people in the scientific community.
- someone with experience with WordPress and other blogging platforms, to assist during the publication phase of the newsletter.
The  typical tasks will be
- Gathering and selecting information regarding women and mathematics;
- Conducting interviews (either written, live, or on skype);
- Editing and formatting the contents of the newsletter;
- Uploading the context of the newsletter to our website (WordPress based) and performing some basic formatting and edits.
We are open to personal contributions and we are always happy to receive input and discuss ideas to enrich the newsletter.
In case you are interested, please contact our Newsletter coordinator Anna Cherubini (anna.cherubini[at]unisalento.it) sending a few lines about yourself, your motivation and expertise.
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