3-year postdoctoral position (Applied Analysis), TU Dresden, Germany
In the group of Stefan Neukamm (Chair of Applied Analysis, TU Dresden, Germany) a fixed term position as a postdoctoral researcher (fixed term for 3 years, salary group E 13 TV-L, 100 % working load, about 50K Euro brutto per year) is available at the earliest possible date.
The research in the group focuses on the analysis of multiscale problems for nonlinear partial differential equations and variational problems. We are interested in both theoretical problems (e.g., quantitative stochastic homogenization, regularity theory) as well as problems with applications to continuum mechanics and materials modeling.
Tasks: Active participation in the research and teaching activities of the group.
Requirements: A PhD in Mathematics or a closely related field (a submitted PhD thesis suffices for the application). A strong background in nonlinear PDEs, the calculus of variations. Working experience in one or more of the following fields: Homogenization; regularity theory for nonlinear PDEs; nonlinear elasticity; gradient systems. Interest in applications to mechanics.
Please send your application with the usual documents (in particular, including a research statement and contact information for two references) as a single PDF document to [email protected]
The official job offer is available at https://tu-dresden.de/vacancy/7384Â till January 17th, 2020, which is the official application deadline. However, applications till January 31st 2020 will also be considered.