18 Feb 2022

4 FEB 2022 Post-doc positon in NCN project Sonata Bis: Mathematical analysis of hydrodynamic models – nonlinearities, non-locality, domain, scales in Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

It is expected that the candidate will be active in research and scientific development in the field of mathematical analysis of partial differential equations for hydrodynamic models related to the project: Mathematical analysis of hydrodynamic models – nonlinearities, non-locality, domain, scales.
Additional information can be obtained
• from PI of the project: dr hab. Aneta Wróblewska-Kamińska, prof. IMPAS, e-mail: awrob@impan.pl
• on the webpage:

• Strong research potential and motivation for research, especially for work on the project topics.
• Interest in the subject of the project.
• Willingness to cooperate with other team members (PI, doctoral students, other researchers) and to actively participate in discussions, seminars, workshops, conferences and other thematic programs.
• Good knowledge of mathematical analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations. Knowledge of the theory of partial differential equations in fluid mechanics is advisable, but it is not a strict requirement.
• The title of doctor (PhD) or an equivalent in mathematics, physics or computer science obtained before signing the contract and granted not earlier than 7 years before taking up the position (this period can be extended due to parental leave, longer healthy leave; in the case of women, this period may be extended by 18 months for each born or adopted child).
• Good knowledge of English.

The conditions of employment:
• Employment contract for a period from 12 up to 36 months starting on October 1, 2022 or later (to be agreed with the candidate)
• A purely research stand, no teaching.
• Gross salary is PLN 10,000 per month (after tax around PLN 6,000).

Required documents (in Polish or English):
• Curriculum vitae, description of scientific achievements, awards, distinctions, lectures at conferences and seminars.
• Description of scientific interests and research plans as well as a description of education and skills relevant to the project. Information on the requested period of employment.
• Scan of the doctoral diploma. In the case the PhD degree is not obtained yet – the supervisor’s opinion on the advancement of the doctoral dissertation and the expected date of obtaining the doctoral degree.
• List of publications..
• A recommendation letter from a researcher and an e-mail address of the person is recommended.
• Permission the processing of personal data.

The deadline for submitting documents is March 4, 2022.
Document files in PDF format should be sent to the following address: awrob@impan.pl with e-mail title: CALL FOR POST-DOC HYDRODYNAMIC MODELS

The results of the competition will be announced by March 31, 2022, candidates will be informed of the results by e-mail. During the recruitment process, the selection board reserves the right to conduct a possible interview in the form of a teleconference with selected candidates. The competition follows the general rules of the National Science Center and Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences.

We encourage all qualified candidates to apply.