4 PhD positions in pure mathematics
The main goal of the research training group GRK 2240:
Algebro-Geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology is the application of results and techniques of algebraic geometry to pure mathematics, and in particular to the nearby areas of algebra arithmetic and topology. We offer 4 positions for doctoral researchers. These are PhD positions without teaching duty, provided with a competitive salary. We are looking for highly-motivated applicants that hold a master’s degree in mathematics and whose scientific interests fit with the goals of the
research training group. The doctoral researchers will participate in the common study program and conduct individual research under the guidance of their PhD supervisors. The research training group is located at Heinrich Heine University of Duesseldorf and the University of Wuppertal.
Starting of the funded doctoral projects is: December 1, 2019, or earlier.
Application deadline: May 23, 2019
Link with job advertisement and with details about application process: http://reh.math.uni-duesseldorf.de/~grk2240/offene.html