6 years Post-doc position in Austria
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt announces the following position:
PostDoc Assistant (f/m), non-tenure track
at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute for Statistics, working group Stochastic Processes. This is a full-time position, limited to 6 years (non-tenure track; Uni-KV: B1 lit.b, www.aau.at/uni-kv). The minimum monthly gross salary for this position is € 3,711.10 (paid 14 times a year and may increase due to relevant previous work experience). Starting date is negotiable, but preferably as soon as possible.
Tasks and responsibilities
Autonomous scientific work in one or more of the following fields: computational stochastics, stochastic differential equations, stochastic analysis, stochastic optimal control, financial mathematics, insurance mathematics, mathematics in economics and business, machine learning, numerics
International networking
Autonomous teaching in mathematics and statistics in German or English
Involvement in raising third party funding and in the work on third party funded projects is desired
Assistance in public relations activities of institute and faculty
Required qualification
PhD degree at a national or international university in mathematics or a related field.
This requirement must be fulfilled at latest by April 30, 2019.
Profound knowledge in one or more of the following fields: computational stochastics, stochastic differential equations, stochastic analysis, stochastic optimal control, financial mathematics, insurance mathematics, mathematics in economics and business, machine learning, numerics
First publications in one or more of the above fields
Fluent in English
Additional desired qualifications
First teaching experience
Involvement in the work on a third party funded project
Experience in dissemination of scientific results
International network
Programming skills (e.g., Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, Python, C/C++, …)
The position is advertised without the option of negotiating a qualification agreement.
The university aims to increase the proportion of women in scientific positions and therefore encourages qualified women to apply for the position. In case of equivalent qualification, women are accepted preferentially.
People with disabilities or chronic diseases who fulfill the requirements are particularly encouraged to apply.
General information for applicants is available on www.aau.at/en/jobs/information. For further information, please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michaela Szölgyenyi (michaela.szoelgyenyi [at] aau.at).
We welcome applications comprising academic curriculum vitae; a list of publications; a list of talks; research statement (max. 1 page); name of a person who is willing to provide a letter of reference.
If an applicant has not received the doctoral degree by November 7, 2018 the applicant should provide a statement on how he or she will be able to finish the PhD until April 30, 2019. Applications must be submitted online via www.aau.at/obf (please indicate reference code 595H/18). Application deadline: November 7, 2018.
Travel and accommodation costs incurred during the application process will not be refunded.
Translations into other languages shall serve informational purposes only. The English version alone shall be legally binding.
The announcement can also be found here: https://www.aau.at/blog/postdoc-assistant-fm-non-tenure-track-at-the-institute-for-statistics-working-group-stochastic-processes-reference-code-595h18/