11 Mar 2020

Postdoctoral position in an ERC project “KAPIBARA”

The research group led by Piotr Achinger at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland is seeking highly qualified candidates for a postdoctoral position for 24 months in the project Homotopy Theory of Algebraic Varieties and Wild Ramification, funded by the European Research Council.

About the project: The project is devoted to the study of algebraic varieties and other algebraically defined geometric objects, especially over fields other than the complex numbers.

Project webpage: http://achinger.impan.pl/kapibara.html

Requirements: A PhD in mathematics is required before starting employment. Expertise in an area closely related to the project will be a significant advantage. Good communication skills in English are expected.

To apply: please submit
1. a detailed CV, including a list of publications (if applicable),
2. a research statement,
3. arrange for at least two letters of recommendation,
4. consent for the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment process – form available at https://achinger.impan.pl/resources/pd-statement.pdf
All documents should be sent by email in PDF to the address [email protected]

A short list will be made based on the candidates’ applications. Short listed candidates might be invited for an interview or a remote interview.

Deadline: please send you application by April 10, 2020 for full consideration. The position shall remain open until filled.

In case of questions please contact Piotr Achinger directly at [email protected]