30 Jun 2024


University Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Application Deadline August 25, 2024

Original Job Offer

Competition for a Postdoc Position in the Sonata Bis Grant

The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAS) announces a competition for a one-year postdoctoral position within the Sonata BIS project led by PI prof. dr. hab. Błażej Wróbel.

Type: Postdoctoral position (postdoc)

Project: “Dimension-free estimates in harmonic analysis and beyond it”, National Science Centre (NCN), Poland, Sonata Bis, No. 2022/46/E/ST1/00036

Application deadline: August 25, 2024 (23:59 CET)

Expected start date: Between 1.10.2024 and 31.12.2024

Conditions: Employment period: 12 months. Salary: approximately 9500 PLN (gross) per month. Place of work: Wrocław.

− PhD in mathematics awarded no earlier than January 1, 2017.
− Research experience in harmonic analysis, real analysis, or related areas.
− Scientific interests related to the project.
− Good communication skills in English and knowledge of the LaTeX program.

Description of tasks:
Work on research task no. 1 entitled “Dimension-free estimates for continuous maximal operators”. The research topics will include, among others, Hardy-Littlewood maximal operators with respect to balls and spheres. The goal of participation in the project it to write a paper or papers related to the aforementioned research task.

Required documents:
1. Scientific CV with a list of publications.
2. Research statement.
3. Two letters of recommendation.
4. Copy of the PhD diploma.
5. Consent to the processing of personal data.

Candidate evaluation criteria:
The selection of the candidate will be made by a committee with project’s PI as its chair. Selected candidates may be interviewed. If no suitable candidates are found, the competition may remain unresolved. Candidates interested in the offer are requested to send the abovementioned documents (in pdf format) by August 25, 2024 (23:59) to the email address: [email protected] (mail title: Postdoc contest Sonata Bis). For more information about the postdoc position, please contact the PI.