Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) in Applied Mathematics, 75% “High order numerical methods for acoustic scattering problems with locally perturbed periodic structures”
Job description
The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), starts on October 01, 2020. The aim of this project is to design high order numerical methods to simulate time-harmonic acoustic scattering problems, which are modelled by Helmholtz equations, in three-dimensional spaces. Numerical analysis and numerical experiments will be carried out to investigate both the convergence and efficiency of the newly proposed numerical methods.
We seek for an ambitious doctoral researcher with strong interest in the numerical methods for partial differential equations. The position is to be started on October 01, 2020. You will have the opportunity to attend conferences, workshops and summer schools. Engagement in teaching is encouraged.
The doctoral researcher will be integrated into the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 “Wave Phenomena” ( External Link). The CRC provides an inspiring, attractive, interdisciplinary, and internationally recognized scientific environment with access to excellent facilities of the KIT, a wide scope of advanced training options within our integrated research training group, and flexible working time models. The CRC aims at the implementation of equal opportunities; it promotes diversity and supports persons with childcare or eldercare responsibilities as well as persons with disabilities. Funds for travel and guests are available through the CRC.
Personal qualification
The following qualifications are required:
Excellent Master or an equivalent degree in Applied Mathematics
Strong background in numerical methods for partial differential equations
Very good knowledge of programming (MATLAB, C++, …)
If possible, basic knowledge of parallel computing
We expect excellent writing and oral communication skills in English along with the ability to work independently within an international team.
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae,
a statement of research interest, contact information for two referees, and copies of degree certificate(s)
Salary category E13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.
Organizational unit
Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics (IANM)
Starting date
Contract duration
limited to three years
Application up to
Contact person in line-management
For further information, please contact Dr. Ruming Zhang, email: [email protected], or Ms. Laurette Lauffer, email: [email protected]
Please apply online using the following link:
Personnel Support is provided by
Ms Brückner
Telefon: +49 721 608-42016,
Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe
We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.
If qualified, severely disabled persons will be preferred.