24 Mar 2020

full Professor level (W3) in »Software Engineering« at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is an internationally established university with 160 years of history that is rooted in the Bauhaus tradition. It combines science, technology, art and design. This approach determines the self-image of the faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media. In addition to their subject-specific functions, the faculties are also committed to interdisciplinary collaboration and to the interpenetration between art, science and practice.

The Faculty of Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar invites outstanding applications for a research position at full Professor level (W3) in

»Software Engineering«

The Professorship will focus on research and teaching in the fields of software development, implementation and testing for all types of applications. Possible research topics include: data-intensive, mobile, interactive and intelligent systems and their realization by means of classic, service-oriented and cloud architectures, the performance and energy optimization of software systems, methods for software design processes, and automated software engineering.

The successful candidate should have extensive research and teaching experience in the field. She or he should have an international profile in several of the above areas and should display outstanding research potential. She or he must be able to provide evidence of substantial experience in the acquisition and development of research projects with third-party funding. She or he will be expected to teach Basic courses in Computer Science, as well as in computer-science-related areas of Civil Engineering (Digital Engineering). She or he should be able and prepared to teach classes in English and to collaborate closely with relevant departments in the Faculties of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The teaching load comprises 9 LVS.

In case of questions, the Managing Director of the Faculty of Media acts as a personal contact
Ms Susanne Rößler
Phone: 0 36 43/58 37 08
Email: susanne.roessler[at]uni-weimar.de.

The general terms of employment are set out in § 84 of Thuringian University Law (ThürHG). Particular requirements are a relevant PhD of above-average standard, proof of a broad range of university teaching experience, and further academic achievements such as a post-doctoral qualification or an evaluated Junior Professorship.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar pursues an equal-opportunity, family-friendly human resources policy. The university’s strategic goals include increasing the proportion of women in teaching and research. The university was awarded a ‘TOTAL E-QUALITY’ rating, and was given the title of ‘Gleichstellung: Ausgezeichnet!’ (‘Gender Equality: Outstanding!’) under the Federal Government-Länder Women Professors Programme. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar would therefore like to expressly invite qualified female academics to submit applications.

People with disabilities will receive preferential treatment if other qualifications are the same.

Please submit your application, ideally as a single PDF, with the usual documentation, stating the code M/WP-01/20, by April 01, 2020 to:

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Dean’s Office Faculty of Media
Bauhausstraße 11
99423 Weimar
[email protected]

We look forward to receiving your application!