28 Apr 2020

Junior Professorship (W1) in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics

The Institute of Mathematics at the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences seeks applications
for a

Junior Professorship (W1) in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics

commencing as soon as possible. The position is funded by companies and associations mainly from the local finance and insurance sector via the Stifterverband.

The fixed-term contract will initially be limited to a period of three years and may be extended by a further three years, subject to positive evaluation.

We are looking for applicants with a competitive research profile in actuarial and financial mathematics, preferably in an international context. Applicants should be willing to engage in collaborations with the local insurance and banking industry. The successful candidate will be expected to teach actuarial/financial mathematics and risk management courses in our mathematics programmes in both German and English. As Oldenburg University and Bremen University are bound by a cooperation agreement, active participation in the cooperation is expected.

Preconditions for employment are specified in § 30 NHG. In cases where a candidate, before or after obtaining his or her doctorate, has worked as a research assistant, the total duration of the period of doctoral study plus the period worked as a research assistant shall not exceed six years.

Oldenburg University is an equal-opportunities employer and seeks to increase the percentage of women in science. In case of equal qualifications, women will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualifications. The position is suitable for part-time employment.

Applications (including a full curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, a publications list, a research concept, a list of academic presentations and teaching experience) must be submitted in paper or electronic form by June 1, 2020 to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät V, z. Hd. des Direktors des Instituts für Mathematik, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany or [email protected].