22 Apr 2020

Open call for young mathematicians at the Institute of Mathematicsof the Polish Academy of Sciences

The Institute offers several 1/2 – 2 year postdoctoral positions startingin the academic year 2020/2021. The eligibility condition is to have a PhD inmathematics obtained not earlier than in 2018 (or 2017 in case of post-PhDparental leave). Candidates without a PhD are also eligible, provided thatthe PhD degree is soon to be awarded, in which case a detailed opinion of thecandidate’s supervisor must be attached. Each candidate should point outwith whom or under whose guidance she/he plans to work in the Institute.

Applications are expected to contain a research programme, CV, the list of publications, the reprints/preprints of papers published or accepted for publication, and two recommendation letters. Applications should be submitted by May 11, 2020, to the address [email protected]

Additional information can be obtained from Ms Anna Poczmañska, email: [email protected]

The recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and the decision of the Director will be taken in the beginning of June, and announced to the candidates by mail shortly afterwards.

The general working conditions at IMPAN: https://www.impan.pl/en/events/competitions