28 Apr 2020

PhD position (f/m/d) (75% of a full position) in the Research Training Group π3: Parameter Identification – Analysis, Algorithms, Applications

π3 is a collaborative project between mathematicians of the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM); mathematicians in analysis, topology, and statistics; and applied scientists of the University of Bremen. We invite applications for a

PhD position (f/m/d) (75% of a full position)

in the area of dynamical systems in the framework of project R2-8: Identification of parametric control based on nonlinear dynamics, in this phase with focus on domain walls in models of spintronic nanowires.
The project line concerns the analysis of minimally invasive optimal control schemes that exploit the intrinsic dynamics of the system to be controlled. In this phase the aim is to mathematically analyse domain walls and their control in models of spintronic nanowires with applications to spintronic data storage devices in mind. Building on previous results, the challenges are to understand the impact of inhomogeneous wire geometry on the existence and stability properties domain walls, to analyse the interaction between multiple domain walls, and to devise control schemes for their locations.
We are searching for an enthusiastic and committed researcher with interest in dynamical systems as well as in developing and applying new mathematical models and algorithms. Within the research training group, the PhD student will be part of Applied Analysis group at the Faculty of Mathematics, working under the supervision of Prof. Jens Rademacher.
• M.Sc. or equivalent degree with excellent grades in mathematical sciences or related fields.
• Background knowledge in the field of dynamical systems, in particular nonlinear waves.
• Skills in scientific computer programming are advantageous.
• Industry or research internships are advantageous.
• Fluency in English.
• Desire to work in an international and interdisciplinary team.
The position is for a fixed term of 3 years. The earliest starting date for each position in the research training group is 1 July 2020. The salary is according to the German federal employee scale TV-L E13, 75% of a full position (i.e., approximately e 1700-1900 monthly net income).
Applicants are invited to submit their letter of motivation including a reference to PhD project R2-8, an extended CV including copies of certificates, a publication list (as far as applicable), one recommendation letter from a math professor, and contact information of two more scientists as possible referees.
The recommendation letter should be sent by the math professor directly to us ([email protected] bremen.de), while the application file should only include her/his name and affiliation.
All relevant documents, quoting the official reference number A101/20, should be submitted by May 15, 2020 to

Dr. Tobias Kluth, Zentrum für Technomathematik, Universität Bremen, Bibliothekstr. 5, 28359 Bremen

or electronically as a single PDF file to [email protected]

The University of Bremen has received a number of awards for its gender and diversity policies and is particularly aiming to increase the number of female researchers. Gender equality will be given special emphasis within this research training group. Applications from female candidates, international applications and applications of academics with a migrant background are explicitly welcome.
Disabled persons with the same professional and personal qualifications will be given preference.
Further enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Jens Rademacher
Faculty of Mathematics [email protected]