16 Dec 2022

PhD positions in differential equations and machine learning at the University of Bath (UK)

This post is to advertise two funded PhD positions at the interface of differential equations, computational mathematics and machine learning at the University of Bath for a start in early October 2023:

1) Project “Transparent AI and differential equations”
Applications are invited for a 4-year fully funded PhD position (home/international fees and doctoral stipend) in transparent machine learning, differential equations and computational mathematics at the University of Bath. This position will be supervised by Dr Xi Chen and Dr Lisa Maria Kreusser, and is funded by the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Accountable, Responsible and Transparent AI (ART-AI). Details on the doctoral training centre and the application process are available here: https://cdt-art-ai.ac.uk/apply-now/
For further information on the PhD position, see https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/transparent-ai-and-differential-equations/?p137666 or email lmk54@bath.ac.uk

2) Project “Synergies between differential equations and machine learning”
Applications are invited for a 3-year fully funded PhD position (home fees and doctoral stipend) in differential equations and machine learning at the University of Bath (deadline: January 15, 2023). This position will be supervised by Prof. Chris Budd and Dr Lisa Maria Kreusser and is funded by the EPSRC Programme Grant EP/V026259/1 on the “Mathematics of Deep Learning” (Maths4DL) which is a joint programme run by the University of Bath, the University of Cambridge and University College London. For further information on the PhD position, see
https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/maths-4dl-phd-project-synergies-between-differential-equations-and-machine-learning/?p150548 or email lmk54@bath.ac.uk

Please feel free to share these positions further within your network.