20 Jan 2023

PhD student position in Applied Mathematics

PhD student position in Applied Mathematics

at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt within project P36318-N of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Nonlinear Ultrasound

duration: 3 years

starting date: May 15, 2023

employment for 30 hours per week monthly

gross salary: EUR 2458, paid 14 times per year

link of job offer see: http://wwwu.uni-klu.ac.at/bkaltenb/PhD_FWF_AAU.pdf

We offer a lifely and inspiring research atmosphere with the possibility to join the Thematic Doctoral Program Modeling-Simulation-Opimization https://www.aau.at/tewi/doktoratsprogramme/doktoratsprogramm-mao/ and to take part in the activities of the doc.funds doctoral school of the same name http://www.math.aau.at/doctoralschool .
We are looking for a candidate with master degree in Mathematics, having a strong background in Analysis and/or Numerics of Partial Differential Equations.

The Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt is seeking to increase the proportion of female academic staff, and therefore specifically invites qualified women to apply. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration.

People with disabilities or chronic diseases meeting the specified qualification criteria are explicitely invited to apply.

We welcome applications comprising a curriculum vitae, a list of courses taken so far and grade report, title/topic of Masters thesis, Masters thesis if available. If an applicant has not received the Masters degree by the application deadline, the applicant should provide a declaration, written either by a supervising professor or by the candidate themself, on the feasibility of finishing the Masters by May 15, 2023 at the latest.

Applications should be sent as pdf by February 28, 2023 to the email address math-masnu@aau.at