06 Feb 2019

Post-Doctoral Research Associates in Biological Fluid Mechanics (Fixed Term)

Department/Location: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Salary: £32,236-£39,609

Reference: LE18051

Closing date: 10 March 2019

Applications are invited for up to two postdoctoral positions in the group of Professor E. Lauga. The positions are focused on the biological physics and fluid mechanics of swimming bacteria and supported by a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council.

The successful applicants will hold (or be about to complete) a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Physics, Biophysics, Engineering or a closely related field.

The positions will have an emphasis on theory. The ideal candidates will have an extensive training in applied mathematics, a strong taste for interdisciplinary research problems and a strong track record of theoretical research at the intersection of hydrodynamic and biological physics. Candidates with a strong track record of fundamental research using numerical methods applied to fluid mechanics (such as the boundary element method for Stokes flows and related) and will also be considered.

In addition to biological fluid mechanics, Professor Lauga has research interests in the flow of complex fluids and soft matter mechanics. For further details about the group, please see:http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/lauga/

Duties will include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. The role holder will be expected to plan and manage their own research and administration, with guidance if required, and to assist in the preparation of proposals and applications to external bodies. They must be able to communicate material of a technical nature and be able to build internal and external contacts. They may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects, the development of student research skills, provide instruction or plan/deliver seminars relating to the research area.

Informal enquiries about the position may be made to the coordinator for this recruitment at:[email protected]
To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please visit:
http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/20286. This will take you to the role on the University’s Job Opportunities pages. There you will need to click on the ‘Apply online’ button and register an account with the University’s Web Recruitment System (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

You will need to upload a full CV including a list of publications, research statement (no more than two sides of UK A4 size of current and proposed research), and the contact details of two academic referees. Please ensure that your referees are aware that they might be contacted by the HR Office Administrator to request that they upload a reference for you to our Web Recruitment System, and please encourage them to respond promptly.

The start date is before 1st June 2019 or by negotiation.

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 2 years. The salary will be on the standard University scale in the range £32,236-£39,609 depending on previous research experience.

The closing date for this position is 10th March 2019.

Please quote reference LE18051 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. The Department would particularly welcome applications from women as we have an historic imbalance in the number of women holding research staff positions.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.