25 Mar 2022

Postdoc position (m/f/d) in computational optoelectronics (Reference number 22/10)

The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB comprises seven non-university research institutes in Berlin which are funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes are members of the Leibniz Association.
WIAS invites applications for a
Postdoc position (m/f/d) in computational optoelectronics
(Reference number 22/10)
in the research group
“Partial Differential Equations”
(Head: Professor Alexander Mielke) starting as soon as possible.
The position is located within the newly granted UVSimTec project that focuses on the development of an electrically pumped semiconductor laser diode based on AlGaN for coherent emission in the UVC spectral range. The project is a multi-disciplinary endeavor between the Weierstrass Institute (WIAS), the Chair for Optoelectronics at Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen Nuremberg (FAU), the Leibniz Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ), and the Ferdinand Braun Institut, Leibniz Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik gGmbH (FBH) and the Institute of Solid-State Physics at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB).
The project joins forces between the Research Groups “Partial Differential Equations”, “Laserdynamics”, “Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing” and the Leibniz-Group “Numerical Methods for Innovative Semiconductor Devices”.
Within the project position, various tasks can be addressed:
· microscopic treatment of random alloy fluctuations, e.g. via tight-binding methods and assessment of their influence on peak gain and lasing threshold
· device level modeling of AlGaN quantum wells by combining microscopic theories and macroscopic drift-diffusion models
· modeling of doping activation, polarization doping, and interband tunneling
· contribution to the development of coupled laser simulator including carrier transport and stimulated emission with the focus on integration of novel models
· implementation of numerical methods in optoelectronics using the Julia programming language
· collaboration with partners from physics, electrical engineering and material science
Requirement for employment is a university degree (master or diploma), in mathematics, physics or electrical engineering. We are looking for candidates with a PhD degree and a strong background in modeling and simulation of optoelectronic devices. Moreover, the candidate should be willing to implement numerical schemes for the solution of partial differential equations in a modern programming language such as Julia. The willingness of the candidate of interdisciplinary interaction with cooperation partners from theoretical and experimental physics as well as applied mathematics is expected.
Please direct scientific queries to Dr. Thomas Koprucki ([email protected]).
The appointment is limited until 31.12.2024. The work schedule is 39 hours per week, and the salary is according to the German TVoeD Bund scale.
The Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We explicitly encourage female researchers to apply for the offered position. Among equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload complete application documents including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, relevant certificates and the PhD thesis (as draft if not finalized yet) as soon as possible via our online job-application facilityusing the button “Apply online”.
The advertisement is open with immediate effect and will remain open until the position will be filled.
We are looking forward to your application!

See here for more information: https://short.sg/j/16973582