25 Dec 2022

PostDoc Spectral theory of locally symmetric spaces

The Mathematical Institute at Paderborn University invites applications for a

postdoctoral position

for a duration of three years. The expected starting date is no later than September 1, 2023, but earlier starting dates (from March 1, 2023) are also possible.

The position comes with no official teaching duties, but the possibility to teach specialized courses can be made available to the successful candidate, if desired. Knowledge of the German language is not required.

The successful candidate will be expected to address questions in the spectral theory of locally symmetric spaces. The research project will be led in close collaboration by Valentin Blomer (University of Bonn) and Tobias Weich (Paderborn University) and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to be integrated in the respective research groups at both institutions. For more details on the proposed research project, see


Candidates with a background in spectral theory of locally symmetric spaces or harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces/real reductive groups, or geometric properties of discrete subgroups in higher rank, are strongly encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate will also benefit from an active research environment with seminars and conferences within the recently created Collaborative Research Center (CRC) in “Integral structures in Geometry and Representation theory” (funded by the German Research Foundation), as well as generous funding for traveling, guests, and the organization of workshops and conferences.

For the official job announcement and more details, see


For further job openings within the CRC, see


Please send your application documents (including CV, list of publications and research statement) under the reference number 5641 to sek.sfb@math.upb.de and have two reference letters sent to the same address by

January 15, 2023.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.