26 Jun 2024


University Bielefeld University

Application Deadline July 16, 2024

Original Job Offer

Postdoctoral Researcher

The Faculty of Mathematics at Bielefeld University is looking to
appoint a researcher (“wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in” (m/f/d)) to
work with Christopher Voll within the remit of the TRR 358 Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory (https://trr358.math.uni-bielefeld.de/) on a project on Zeta functions of integral quiver representations.

The appointment will be made for two years.

For details about C. Voll’s research interests, see

The starting date is negotiable, but preferably 01 January 2025. A
part-time appointment may be negotiated. The relevant pay scale is E
13 TV-L.

Applicants should hold, or be about to complete, a doctorate in a
relevant mathematical subject area such as algebra or
combinatorics. Research experience in asymptotic group theory will be
an advantage, but is not essential.

The appointee will be invited to contribute to the Faculty of
Mathematics’ teaching portolio (at most 4 hours per week).

German language skills are not a necessary requirement, but the
ability and willingness to learn German to be able to teach in German
after a year is. Support for language tuition is available.

Applications should comprise, in a single pdf-file, the following:

– a detailed Curriculum Vitae,

– a concise research plan,

– addresses of up to three academics who may be contacted for academic

– relevant papers and theses, as relevant.

Applications should be made via


The closing date for applications is 16 July 2024. Interested
candidates may contact Christopher Voll to discuss further details.