Czech Republic
University Charles University
Application Deadline January 1, 2024
Postdoctoral researcher (up to 3 years) Charles University, Prague
Job openings: The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague. Postdoctoral researcher (up to 3 years) to work in the area of analysis and numerics of non uniformly elliptic models within PRIMUS/24/SCI/020 grant. The earliest possible start is 1 January 2024. The research group headed by Anna Balci will work at the following areas: analysis and regularity theory for nonlinear non-uniformly problems, numerical analysis for nonlinear models, calculus of variations.
A competitive salary and travel funds are guaranteed .
The application should include a Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Research Statement, List of Publications, the copy of the master and PhD diploma and at least two letters of recommendation should be sent separately to the email: until 01.01.2014.
Contact: Anna Balci email: