Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association
creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is our goal to make
significant contributions to mastering the global challenges of mankind in the fields of energy,
mobility, and information. For this, about 9400 employees of KIT cooperate in a broad range of
disciplines in research, academic education, and innovation.
In Division V – Physics and Mathematics – the KIT Department of Mathematics invites applications
for the position of a
Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) for numerical methods for partial differential equations
with an anticipated starting date April 1, 2022, and with an intended
promotion to Full Professor (W3) at the Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics.
Possible research areas are space discretization, time discretization,
inverse problems, optimization or uncertainty quantification.
A relation to wave phenomena is mandatory.
Participation in the research focus “Partial Differential Equations” and the Collaborative Research
Center 1173 “Wave Phenomena” at the Department of Mathematics is expected.
The successful candidate is also expected to carry out
interdisciplinary mathematical research within the KIT center
“Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics”.
Initially no knowledge of the German language is required. However,
as the language of instruction for the basic undergraduate courses is German,
the successful candidate is expected to teach in German after a reasonable amount of time.
Already on the tenure-track professorship,
you will lead your own research group.
Tenure track is completed after six years with a mid-term evaluation after three years.
The evaluation procedure and general criteria are
defined in the “Qualitätssicherungskonzept für Juniorprofessuren mit
Tenure Track am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie“. Of particular
importance are internationally visible research contributions
(publications and scientific talks), internal and external
cooperation, third-party funding, organization of conferences and workshops,
scope and quality of teaching as well as supervision of young scientists and students.
KIT offers career development services and mentoring.
KIT is an equal opportunity employer. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with
disabilities will be preferentially considered if equally qualified. KIT is a certified family-friendly
university and offers part-time employment, leave of absence due to family reasons, dual-career
service and coaching to support balance between family and career.
Applications should include a current Curriculum vitae, a summary of teaching and research
experiences, a teaching and research plan, and a list of publications with digital versions of the five
most important items. Interested applicants should apply, preferably by sending their application in
a single PDF file, by February 7, 2021, either to [email protected]
or by regular mail to Dekanat der KIT-Fakultät für Mathematik,
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT),
Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe.
Information on the the tenure-track professorship at KIT can be found at
For questions regarding this position, please contact
Frau Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck, either at phone +49 721/608-42060, or email at
[email protected].